Why Legacy?

We only have One Life - One Legacy that we can leave behind. We will live one life and by our actions provide the written material for our legacy. However, it will truly be written and interpreted by others after we have left this world.

So I ask myself, and I ask you, what is the legacy which you desire to leave behind?What did you write today in the chapter entitled "today"? Did you advance toward your desired legacy, or did you retreat? What you will become is who you were today.

As I write this blog I will be simultaneously challenging myself, and I trust challenging my readers to leave a legacy that matters. One that challenges and changes those you encounter daily and on your journey in life. You have One Life - One Legacy - make it count!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Prepare for the Valley

Valleys happen! Contrary to what a cheapened Christianity would like to sell you and I, even committed Christ followers will encounter valleys. It does not mean you are less faith filled - in fact it might mean just the opposite. James tells us... "when you encounter various trials..." J. 1:3. Note, valleys will happen to the weak & the strong, the rich & the poor, valleys happen to all of us. So the second lesson I've learned in the "Valley of Fire" is that I must prepare for the valley's ahead of time. Preparation is key for survival in the valley. When I prepare before I enter the valley I remember - God's word is a lamp unto my feet. When I prepare - I recognize that although I can not see him or hear him in the valley, I know He will never leave me. When I prepare, the Holy Spirit brings back to my mind His promises - "I will supply all your need" or "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me". When I prepare I run to God not away from God. In the valley is where your legacy is tested and refined. Prepare my friends for we will encounter valleys. I will make it out of the valley - and so will you! Remember we have one life to live and one legacy to leave behind. Prepare so you can handle the valley!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why To What

In walking through the aftermath of the fire to our home and the loss of so much I have come to learn some very specific lessons. First and foremost I have had to leave the why behind and move to the what. The whys leave me open to confusion and to an inability to move forward.

When I ask God, "why did this happen", why did it happen to my family, why now, or why would you allow this in my life, I make life about me. I somehow suppose that God owes me an answer. He does not and the theology of suffering teaches me that there is not always an answer to "why" we suffer on earth.

The Bible does teach me there are plenty of answers to the what. What are you doing God? What do you want me to learn? What can I do to advance the Kingdom while I am in the valley? What is your will for me through the valley? So I seek the what.

It is true, the sooner I move from why to what the sooner the healing takes place. Right now it takes an act of my will to move from why to what. Therefore, I choose what over why - bring on the healing Lord.